《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏 》:一場獨立思考的一種「演練」
假如 閣下打算安坐劇院舒適的座椅上,默默地欣賞一場賞心悅目的劇作,恐怕您將與這個創作最精彩的部分失之交臂。因為《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏 》(下稱《大路西遊2》)壓根兒不是單純以「賞心悅目」為終極目標的演出(當然筆者並不排除演出具「賞心悅目」的元素),而是需要參與者投入的「文化事件」(‘cultural event’)。更具體而言,這是一個探討獨立思考的創作項目——不單是以獨立思考為「題材」的劇作,從何應豐的文本創作、演員在排練室的創造、陳國平的音樂創作、以至與觀眾於劇場的交流和從而產生的「再創造」,整個創作都是獨立思考的一種「演練」和「成品」。在讓大家進一步了解《大路西遊2》如何於不同創作階段引發不同個體獨立思考、同時在不同個體參與下有機成長前,筆者先略述《大路西遊2》的創作緣起。
「假如二零零三年的《大路西遊》是探索中國西北大開發背後的荒誕,《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏》恐怕是借一件假設的懸案,想像在一個不尋常國度裡的「一個香港人」 ,如何撞上 「開發行動」背後「妄想」的「話頭」罷。」[1]
何應豐期望,《大路西遊2》的演員不是單純的「說書人」,走進劇場的觀眾也不是單純來「聽故事的人」。「大部分聽故事的人都認為自己不用負責任,我很不喜歡這樣的對話。事實上,『生活』貴乎能否活在當下、投入眼前 ,‘Being’與‘becoming’是很關鍵的存在問題,當你坐在觀眾席中,你的內在世界是否甚麼也沒有發生?你應該如何參與、投入一個眼前的event/事件?」何應豐認為觀眾不應作為被動的接收者,而是交流、對話的對象。「他們不是普遍的、單一的群眾(generalized mass),他們每一個都是獨立個體,在黑暗之中各自找尋自己的線索和定位。我們要給予他們空間,容許他們從既有的思考模式中釋放出來,重新創造與建構他們的想法。」他認為,觀眾如何與他和演員所建構的文化事件建立對話,正是劇場中最引人入勝、最精彩的創作。這已不是單純的消費,而是一種具創造性的思考和行為。「戲劇/藝術本身是一個行動(action)——既是建構一個事件,也是透過行動去疏理一些平時沒機會思考、或疏理得不夠清楚深入的思緒。」
正如文章開首所言,《大路西遊2》是一個需要參與者(包括創作人、演員和觀眾)主動投入(engage)的文化事件(cultural event),在人人都在等指示、等上級作決定(但同時又充滿投訴、怨氣,認為自己永遠不用負責任)的社會中,這正是我們所急切需要的。「如果我們想建構一種有機、有活力的文化,這就先必須孕育一種條件。我相信,如果每一個人都將自己視為獨立個體,重視自己可以引發的可能性,同時又能包容、欣賞每個人的精彩,這個社會就可能會孕育出一種共融的美麗,而且它並不遠。」
伍綺琪 28/09/2009
From 1984 to One-Dimensional Man: Critical Reflections on Orwell and Marcuse
Section One
By Douglas Kellner
Occasionally literary and philosophical metaphors and images enter the domain of popular discourse and consciousness. Images in Uncle Tom's Cabin of humane and oppressed blacks contrasted to inhumane slave owners and overseers shaped many people's negative images of slavery. And in nineteenth century Russia, Chernyshevsky's novel What is to be Done? shaped a generation of young Russian's views of oppressive features of their society, including V.I. Lenin who took the question posed by Chernyshevsky's novel as the title of one of his early revolutionary treatises. In the twentieth century, George Orwell's vision of totalitarian society in his novel 1984 has had a major impact on how many people see, understand, and talk about contemporary social trends. {1} Subsequently, Herbert Marcuse's analyses and images of a "one-dimensional man" in a "one-dimensional society" shaped many young radicals' ways of seeing and experiencing life in advanced capitalist society during the 1960s and 1970s --though to a more limited extent and within more restricted circles than Orwell's writings which are among the most widely read and discussed works of the century.
excerpts from http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina%20Folder/kell13.htm
Section Two [http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina%20Folder/kell13a.htm]
One-Dimensional Man in The Postmodern Age
Re-Thinking The Bourgeois Subject, Toward the Sensibilities of Freedom.
J.L. Hinman
...a social totality integrated under the universal form of commodity production. Under the domination of the commodity structure, a phantom objectivity is conferred upon human relations, transforming social relations into relations between things; subjectivity, the consciousness, comes to reflect and reproduce this system of domination, giving it the character of a `second nature.' 1
In other words, the mode of production shapes a total way of life that revolves around commodity. This process, rather than labor alone as in traditional Marxism, creates the bond of social relations. This ensemble forges an obedient subject. Within that framework class struggle and exploitation exist as historical contingencies. The alienated subject is itself a product of the way of life.2 (CLICK TO LINK FULL ARTICLE)
EXCERPTS FROM http://www.datawranglers.com/negations/issues/97f/97F_jhinman2.html
Negative Thinking: The Defeated Logic of Protest
Herbert Marcuse: One-Dimensional Man
(Boston: Beacon, 1964)
Part II: One-Dimensional Thought
Herbert Marcuse:One-Dimensional Man
The Paralysis of Criticism: Society Without Opposition
excerpts from http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/64onedim/odmintro.html |
There has been a growing awareness all over the world that the current approach to science education is unsatisfactory in many ways. Books by educators and professional scientific journals devoted to research have repeatedly voiced this concern. In his book The Unschooled Mind, for instance, Howard Gardner describes how otherwise competent college students do not “really understand” what they have learnt, even when they show a high degree of understanding in solving problems of the textbook type (Gardner 1993). In his Science editorial, “Science: A Mountain or a Stream,” Don E. Detmer (1997) expresses the warning: “If we remain dedicated to minor revisions of past educational approaches, our prospects will be dim indeed.” In his Scientific American article in the section on Trends in Science Education, Tim Beardsley (1992) documents an extensive list of similar concerns. The 1991 Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government states that the situation is “a chronic and serious threat” to the future...(click to link full article)
Fostering Independent Thinking
Clean Water Laws Are Neglected, at a Cost in Human Suffering
In China, You Play By Another Set Of Rules
西部大开发的环境忧思 / 何清涟
新疆生産建設兵團最初由十幾萬解放軍官兵就地轉業組成,隨後由政府組織內地勞動力遷入而不斷擴大。1956年僅河南一省就有5萬青年被送到兵團。從1957年到1966年,兵團職工人數由17.8萬人增長到80.8萬人。其中國家有組織地大批調入的有:1959-1960年,安徽、江蘇、湖北三省的青壯勞動力近10萬人;1963-1966年,上海、天津、北京、武漢、浙江、江蘇的青年學生12萬人;還有復員士兵和轉業軍官8萬人;饑荒時期“自流”入疆的21萬人;職工子女9萬人;以及12萬名交由兵團“勞動改造”的犯人,刑滿後大部分留在兵團。 到1966年,兵團的職工加上家屬,人口總數已達到148.5萬人。(click to link full article)
What is Independent Thinking?
Independent thinking means making sense of the world based on your own observations and experiences rather than just depending on the word of others. It means trusting your own ability to make judgments, even if they contradict what others say. It means acting in accordance with these judgments, even if you sometimes make mistakes. An independent thinkers knows it's psychologically better to make your own mistakes than someone else's...(click to link)
The Importance of Being Nothingness
Craig Hogan / book reviews
Two recent books delve into Nothing from very different perspectives. In The Hole in the Universe, K. C. Cole, from the behind-the-scenes perspective of a science journalist, heads for the banter—the endlessly creative attempts of scientists to explain things to each other and to others in colorful and trenchant metaphors. In The Book of Nothing, J. D. Barrow explores, with meticulous scholarly attention to detail, thousands of years of philosophy, mathematics, physics and theology organized around the concept of Nothingness....(click to link)
The Organization Man, Pt. 1: The Ideology Of
I'm on a looong flight tonight, from Columbus to San Francisco, via Charlotte. (Yes, I flew an hour East to grab a West-bound plane.) Usually on a flight, I like to keep my reading material light. Super-light... like, Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills, or Tom Clancy, or anything I think I'll reasonably be able tofinish in 10-12 hours of reading (two trips' worth.) For some reason it depresses me to arrive home with a half-finished book, knowing that I'll probably set it aside just long enough for my interest in it to wane.
But tonight I brought along an old nugget that's been gathering dust on my bookshelf since college: The Organization Man, by William H. Whyte, Jr. It was published in 1956, and hailed at the time (and really ever since) as an important sociological treatise. This is not light reading...(click to link)
excerpts from SOLDIER ANT