
絲綢之路還有什麼意義﹖/ 黃國鉅

在「瘋祭舞台」的《大路西遊2-(阿) 公審三藏》裡﹐我們將會看到兩個截然不同的絲綢之路的面貌﹕一個古代的中國和西域﹐當時絲綢之路還是活躍的交通要道﹑中西(西域和西方)文化真正的交流和佛學傳播的途徑﹑和一個一個在沙丘中興起又消失的神秘古帝國 ﹔另一個是現代的中國大西北﹑經過60年共產統治的洗禮﹑荒蕪的沙漠後面是海市蜃樓和廢墟﹑在無情的經濟火車頭下﹐變成一個又一個重複﹑空洞的世界工廠。






reviews on HEADING WEST 2

一念之間,可以思考什麼? / 文:貝亦雯

重喚枯竭的思維 / 文:慧子

筆可網想24 10 2009 / 劉 靉 何應豐公審....

sharing from gloria lam



如果四十年後有具中國社會主義特色的民主出現,我們的政制/教育,應朝什麼方向發展呢?是一邊叫你不要做奴隸,但卻培養你及你的後代成為一個沒有獨立思考的奴隸?這將會是怎樣的民主?不是很矛盾嗎?這點,何應豐先生的《阿公審三藏》清楚地展現出來。即使你不知道演員為何在戲台上各有各演,飛沙走石,大顛大肺…… 那個說過不停的陳律師,已把這一切托出。





大路如何繼續西遊 - 瘋祭舞台的 阿公審三藏

by : io 20091016

從多年前的大路西遊1, 到今天的大路西遊2,內裡所提及的西北大開發我從不了解,也不太願去了解,感疏離也冷漠,高昌古城與岳陽樓甚麼的,若無實質上的利益,國家通常不屑一顧就是;香港也慢慢循這步伐前行,阿公往左走,曾特首豈敢怠慢腳步,當然義無反顧地前進前進前進進,香港市民聲音,他早已完全過濾,丁點兒也聽不到。

何應豐為何關心大西北,我不了解,所以就只談我能了解的一二......(click to read full article)



by: io 20091018

已不感慨,也不詫異;人的素質請勿再奢求會向更好的方向攀升,那只是一個夢;曾經當作笑話的按本子辦事,頃刻就經常性的於身伴出現,你要做的、將要做的,全都套了一個安全程式,移動不了也改變不來,生存與成就,絕對在於你靠邊站的本事,阿諛奉承的媚態愈出眾,攀的位置愈高、生意做得愈大、特權擁有多得超乎想像;古人的情操,因而變得一文不值;蟻民呈上萬言書,也及不上高幹的一個眼神;做官從商的,最緊要就是識相;荒謬一直都在,自由自主自決,在你我不知不覺間,慢慢被蒸發於無形,擁有的還有甚麼...(click in to view full article)


Westward Ho

words rachel mok

A west-looking production is only one of two in the Silk Road Arts Festival to ask hard questions about life in Hong Kong.

As much as we may love the pure enjoyment and pleasure of performance art, a thought-provoking work often has the greatest impact in theatre: A work that forces you to rethink the way you see the world – it may, for instance, jolt you from the stupor of advertising brainwashing (eg slim = beautiful) or pose the subversive question whether it is valid to sacrifice all in the name of economic and social harmony. Flipping through the programme of the Silk Road Arts Festival, it is easy wonder if the two Hong Kong productions, 
Bun in the Cave andHeading West 2: The Curious Case of Sanzang, are the only two critical shows in the festival, as they reassess the history of China and plant doubts about sacrificingour cultural heritage for economic development. (please click to read full article)





絲綢之路約起源於晉朝,興盛於隋唐時期,當時的絲路是各國文化的交匯點,儘管唐朝朝政掌控著絲路部份主要通道的交通,但當時文化上的開放開明是數千年來難得一見的,絲路文化因而大放異彩,這個景象正好反映出大唐文化的氣度。可惜,這種氣度似乎在明朝以後不再復見,中國人越來越封閉、奴化,思想越趨單一,大家只求做「眾人」,害怕講求個體,於是,《大路西遊》導演何應豐提問︰到底出了什麼事?在中國經濟「高速」發展的背後,文化日漸荒涼,用佛家的話,到底事情發展的「話頭」在哪裡?(please click to read full article)


Who 's who in HEADING WEST 2?

《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏 》:一場獨立思考的一種「演練」

假如 閣下打算安坐劇院舒適的座椅上,默默地欣賞一場賞心的劇作,恐怕您將與這個創作最精彩的部分失之交臂。因為《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏 》(下稱《大路西遊2》)壓根兒不是單純以「賞心悅目」為終極目標的演出(當然筆者並不排除演出具「賞心悅目」的元素,而是需要參與者投入的「文化事件」(‘cultural event’)。更具體而言,這是一個探討獨立思考的創作項目——不單是以獨立思考為「題材」的劇作,從何應豐的文本創作、演員在排練室的創造、陳國平的音樂創作、以至觀眾於劇場的交流從而產生的「再創造」,整個創作都是獨立思考的一種「演練」和「成品」。在讓大家進一步了解《大路西遊2》如何不同創作階段引發不同個體獨立思考、同時在不同個體參與下有機成長前,筆者先略述《大路西遊2》的創作緣起。



假如二零零三年的《大路西遊》是探索中國西北大開發背後的荒誕,《大路西遊2之(阿)公審三藏》恐怕是借一件假設的懸案,想像在一個不尋常國度裡的「一個香港人」 ,如何撞上 「開發行動」背後「妄想」的「話頭」罷。[1]








 身兼編劇和導演的何應豐表示,在排練過程展開了便不再回看劇本。「傳統劇場將文本視為終極,演員的責任只是『演繹』故事;對我而言,文本只是一個起點,它必須由演員完成。演員作為一個文化評論人、一個文化故事中的批判人/傳遞人(communicator),他們要做的不只是了解劇本,而是如何了解這些材料,從而找尋角色的面貌、心境和看法。」何應豐形容劇場為「解剖場」,舞台上的演員一起從事這項解剖工作——他們將人們的內在真實(inner reality)活剝出來,從而重新審視當中的價值和運作方法。在這個過程中,作為導演的何應豐堅持將演員視為獨立的個體,給予他們自主的思考空間。「我會對演員說,我見到你正用怎樣的邏輯建構出怎樣的行為。你今天和明天的演繹可以不同,只要你的合乎邏輯,可以邀請我閱讀一場戲的可能性。」他又指出,大部分人都局限於劇本所謂的邏輯,扼殺了它的繼續成長。「那些是死的藝術,戲劇藝術'Live performance' 'Live art',演員當下的判斷和創造才這種生命投放最即時最精彩的部分。」



何應豐期望,《大路西遊2》演員不是單純的「說書人」,走進劇場的觀眾也不是單純來「聽故事的人」。「大部分聽故事的人都認為自己不用我很不喜歡這樣的對話。事實上,『生活』貴乎能否活在當下、投入眼前 Beingbecoming是很關鍵的存在問題,當你坐在觀眾席中,你的內在世界是否甚麼也沒有發生?你應該如何參與投入一個眼前的event/事件?」何應豐認為觀眾不應作為被動的接收者,而是交流、對話的對象。「他們不是普遍的、單一的群眾(generalized mass),他們每一個都是獨立個體,在黑暗之中各自找尋自己的線索定位。我們要給予他們空間,容許他們從既有的思考模式中釋放出來,重新創造與建構他們的想法。」他認為,觀眾如何與他和演員所建構的文化事件建立對話,正是劇場中最引人入勝、最精彩的創作。這已不是單純的消費,而是一種具創造性的思考和行為戲劇藝術本身是一個行動(action)——既是建構一個事件也是透過行動去疏理一些平時機會思考、或疏理得不夠清楚深入的思緒。」

正如文章開首所言,《大路西遊2》是一個需要參與者(包括創作人、演員和觀眾)主動投入engage文化事件(cultural event),在人人都在等指示等上級作決定(但同時又充滿投訴怨氣,認為自己永遠不用責任)的社會中,這正是我們所急切需要的。「如果我們想建構一有機有活力的文化必須孕育一種條件我相信如果每一個人都將自己視為獨立個體重視自己可以引發的可能性,同時又能包容、欣賞每個人的精彩這個社會可能會孕育出一種共融的美麗,而且不遠。」

伍綺琪 28/09/2009

[1] 何應豐《觀照「話頭」》


From 1984 to One-Dimensional Man: Critical Reflections on Orwell and Marcuse

Section One

By Douglas Kellner

Occasionally literary and philosophical metaphors and images enter the domain of popular discourse and consciousness. Images in Uncle Tom's Cabin of humane and oppressed blacks contrasted to inhumane slave owners and overseers shaped many people's negative images of slavery. And in nineteenth century Russia, Chernyshevsky's novel What is to be Done? shaped a generation of young Russian's views of oppressive features of their society, including V.I. Lenin who took the question posed by Chernyshevsky's novel as the title of one of his early revolutionary treatises. In the twentieth century, George Orwell's vision of totalitarian society in his novel 1984 has had a major impact on how many people see, understand, and talk about contemporary social trends. {1} Subsequently, Herbert Marcuse's analyses and images of a "one-dimensional man" in a "one-dimensional society" shaped many young radicals' ways of seeing and experiencing life in advanced capitalist society during the 1960s and 1970s --though to a more limited extent and within more restricted circles than Orwell's writings which are among the most widely read and discussed works of the century.

There are, in fact, both some striking differences and similarities between the visions of totalitarianism in contemporary industrial societies in the works of George Orwell and Herbert Marcuse. A contrast between Orwell and Marcuse seems useful at this point in time since they both offer insights that illuminate various features of the contemporary social and political world. In the light of the growth of repressive governments of the communist, fascist, and democratic capitalist systems in the contemporary epoch, it seems appropriate to re-read Orwell's novels and essays and Marcuse's writings since both contain concepts and analyses that provide sharp critiques of the mechanisms and power in institutions which practice socio-political domination and oppression. Moreover, both raise the question of the proper theoretical and political response toward current trends of social irrationality and domination, as well as the possibilities of emancipation. (CLICK TO LINK FULL ARTICLE)

excerpts from http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina%20Folder/kell13.htm

Section Two [http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/faculty/kellner/Illumina%20Folder/kell13a.htm]

One-Dimensional Man in The Postmodern Age

Re-Thinking The Bourgeois Subject, Toward the Sensibilities of Freedom.


J.L. Hinman


either traditional Marxism, nor postmodernism, grasp the dynamic nature of the cultural and economic process shaping the consciousness of the bourgeoisified subject. Traditional Marxists tend to view the process from a transhistorical perspective; class conflict within a framework of economic determinism, and to deal with the bourgeois subject by creating its own "socialist man." Postmodernism, to a large extent, seeks to evade the problem by eliminating the subject altogether. Both camps fail to produce a dynamic critique of the process, and both fail to translate what they do understand into a consciousness capable of resisting bourgeoisification. The industrial production mode of late capitalism necessitates a total way of life that shapes people into alienated consumers and reduces all personal and social values to economic commodity. The only hope for re-thinking the left is to cultivate sensibilities of freedom that create new possibilities and new ways of life.

Traditional Marxism always tried to work the other way around, to have the revolution, to produce a society capable of forging the "new humanity," and then to produce a free individual, one whose freedom is predicated upon the Vanguard, the state, and the party line. This is like wanting to have a child, and then to consummate the marriage. Moreover, capitalism has delivered the goods, and bound the consciousness of the subject to itself as supplier. It has produced:

...a social totality integrated under the universal form of commodity production. Under the domination of the commodity structure, a phantom objectivity is conferred upon human relations, transforming social relations into relations between things; subjectivity, the consciousness, comes to reflect and reproduce this system of domination, giving it the character of a `second nature.' 1

In other words, the mode of production shapes a total way of life that revolves around commodity. This process, rather than labor alone as in traditional Marxism, creates the bond of social relations. This ensemble forges an obedient subject. Within that framework class struggle and exploitation exist as historical contingencies. The alienated subject is itself a product of the way of life.2 (CLICK TO LINK FULL ARTICLE)

EXCERPTS FROM http://www.datawranglers.com/negations/issues/97f/97F_jhinman2.html

Negative Thinking: The Defeated Logic of Protest

Herbert Marcuse: One-Dimensional Man 
(Boston: Beacon, 1964)

Part II: One-Dimensional Thought

[CHAPTER FIVE] "... that which is cannot be true." To our well-trained ears and eyes, this statement is flippant and ridiculous, or as outrageous as that other statement which seems to say the opposite: "what is real is rational." And yet, in the tradition of Western thought, both reveal, in provocatively ..bridged formulation, the idea of Reason which has guided its logic. Moreover, both express the same concept, namely, the antagonistic structure of reality, and of thought trying to Understand reality. The world of immediate experience-the world in which we find ourselves living-must be comprehended, transformed, even subverted in order to become that which it really is.

In the equation Reason = Truth = Reality, which joins the subjective and objective world into one antagonistic unity, Reason is the subversive power, the "power of the negative" that establishes, as theoretical and practical Reason, the truth for men and things—that is, the conditions in which men and things become what they really are. The attempt to demonstrate that this truth of theory and practice is not a subjective but an objective condition was the original concern of Western thought and the origin of its logic—logic not in the sense of a special discipline of philosophy but as the mode of thought appropriate for comprehending the real as rational.

The totalitarian universe of technological rationality is the latest transmutation of the idea of Reason. In this and the following chapter, I shall try to identify some of the main stages in the development of this idea—the process by which logic became the logic of domination. Such ideological analysis can contribute to the understanding of the real development inasmuch as it is focused on the union (and separation) of theory and practice, thought and action, in the historical process—an unfolding of theoretical and practical Reason in one...(click to link more)

excerpts from http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/64onedim/odm5.html


Herbert Marcuse:One-Dimensional Man

Introduction to the First Edition
The Paralysis of Criticism: Society Without Opposition

Does not the threat of an atomic catastrophe which could wipe out the human race also serve to protect the very forces which perpetuate this danger? The efforts to prevent such a catastrophe overshadow the search for its potential causes in contemporary industrial society. These causes remain unidentified, unexposed, unattacked by the public be- cause they recede before the all too obvious threat from without--to the West from the East, to the East from the West. Equally obvious is the need for being prepared, for living on the blink, for facing the challenge. We submit to the peaceful production of the means of destruction, to the perfection of waste, to being educated for a defense which deforms the defenders and that which they defend.

If we attempt to relate the causes of the danger to the war in which society is organized and organizes its members, we are immediately confronted with the fact that advanced industrial society becomes richer, bigger, and better as it perpetuates the danger. The defense structure makes life easier for a greater number of people and extends man's mastery of nature. Under these circumstances, our mass media have little difficulty in selling particular interests as those of all sensible men. The political needs of society become individual needs and aspirations, their satisfaction promotes business and the commonweal, and the whole appeals to be the very embodiment of Reason...(click to link full version)

excerpts from http://www.marcuse.org/herbert/pubs/64onedim/odmintro.html



— 对香港文化政策与公民社会一点偏颇的观察 
04年11月 10日 星期三 



从税务大楼出来,横过几条大道就可以到石水渠街,我要到那儿买一把野姜花。窄窄的石水渠街是一个露天市场,挤挤攘攘的,人情味十足。鞋店前放着几个水桶,火百合、满天星、野姜花,随兴地“扔”在里面,爱买不买。海产店前一摊一摊的鲜活渔货。一只巴掌大小的草虾蹦到隔邻的一笼青翠的菠菜上,又弹到地面;吓了一跳的家庭主妇将它捡起,笑眯眯交还给鱼贩。腆着肚子的屠户高举着刀,正霍霍地斩肉;千锤百炼的砧板已经凹成一个浅盆。驼背的老太太提着菜,一步一步走在人群里,虽然拥挤不堪,她不慌不忙,显然脚底熟悉每个地面的凹凸,眼里认识每个摊子后面的乡亲......(click to link)


龍應台:60年來從沒問過對方,痛在哪裡?(click to link)


The "Reflection Protocol"

- a way to develop learning and independent thinking?



K. P. Mohanan 


There has been a growing awareness all over the world that the current approach to science education is unsatisfactory in many ways. Books by educators and professional scientific journals devoted to research have repeatedly voiced this concern. In his book The Unschooled Mind, for instance, Howard Gardner describes how otherwise competent college students do not “really understand” what they have learnt, even when they show a high degree of understanding in solving problems of the textbook type (Gardner 1993). In his Science editorial, “Science: A Mountain or a Stream,” Don E. Detmer (1997) expresses the warning: “If we remain dedicated to minor revisions of past educational approaches, our prospects will be dim indeed.” In his Scientific American article in the section on Trends in Science Education, Tim Beardsley (1992) documents an extensive list of similar concerns. The 1991 Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government states that the situation is “a chronic and serious threat” to the future...(click to link full article)

Fostering Independent Thinking

One of the primary goals of an educator should be to help students develop the desire and ability to think on their own. Independent thinking is the desire of a person to convince oneself that the information being presented is true or reasonable. This differs from critical thinking, which is the process used to collect and process information to arrive at a logical conclusion. In other words, independent thinking has more to do with the desire to think for oneself and critical thinking is the process used to deal with information...(click to link full article)

excerpts from NDT Resource Center

八识规矩颂讲记 / 于凌波居士 讲述

第一讲    解释经题






八识规矩颂这五个字颂题,重点在‘八识’二字,尤其是这个‘识’字,要特别加以诠释。识是什么?  <大乘义林章> 曰:‘识者心之别名’。因此、识就是‘心’。在唯识学上称识而不称心,只是一种方便,因为心与识是一体两面的东西。 <大乘广五蕴论> 上说:‘云何识蕴,谓于所缘,了别为性,亦名心,能采集故。亦名意,意所摄故。’这样看来,心、意、识三者,也全是一样东西了。那么,或有人问:‘心又是什么呢? ’依照佛经上说,‘心’是我们精神作用的主体。原来依照佛教的教义,所谓‘宇宙]  (物质世间,我人赖以生存的环) 和人生 (有情世间,我人的生命体) ,不是神 (大梵天或上帝)所创造,不是无因而生,这一切,都是‘因缘和合’而生起存在的......(click to link full article)



(A talk given to the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy)

Paul Krugman 
Nov. 1996

Good morning. I am both honored and a bit nervous to be speaking to a group devoted to the idea of evolutionary political economy. As you probably know, I am not exactly an evolutionary economist. I like to think that I am more open-minded about alternative approaches to economics than most, but I am basically a maximization-and-equilibrium kind of guy. Indeed, I am quite fanatical about defending the relevance of standard economic models in many situations.

Why, then, am I here? Well, partly because my research work has taken me to some of the edges of the neoclassical paradigm. When you are concerned, as I have been, with situations in which increasing returns are crucial, you must drop the assumption of perfect competition; you are also forced to abandon the belief that market outcomes are necessarily optimal, or indeed that the market can be said to maximize anything. You can still believe in maximizing individuals and some kind of equilibrium, but the complexity of the situations in which your imaginary agents find themselves often obliges you - and presumably them - to represent their behavior by some kind of ad hoc rule rather than as the outcome of a carefully specified maximum problem. And you are often driven by sheer force of modeling necessity to think of the economy as having at least vaguely "evolutionary" dynamics, in which initial conditions and accidents along the way may determine where you end up. Some of you may have read my work on economic geography; I only found out after I had worked on the models for some time that I was using "replicator dynamics" to discuss the problem of economic change...(click to link full article)

excerpts from http://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/evolute.html

In China, You Play By Another Set Of Rules

As the entire world observed in August at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China has emerged with unparalleled force onto the world stage. Most businesses are aware of the lure of the Chinese market, and stories abound of unbridled opportunities and potential for financial gain. But with all great opportunities come significant risks. My experience practicing at an international law firm in Beijing, China, taught me first-hand that not every business can, or should, go to China. This experience also helped me gain some insight as to what any attorney advising a client about doing business in China should keep in mind...(click to link full article)

excerpts from The Complete Lawyer

蘇州一中學舉行成人宣誓 齊誦岳陽樓記


  昨天下午三点,苏州中学663名高三学生穿着校服肃立在苏州文庙广场上。之所以在此举行成人宣誓仪式是因为追溯学校历史,1035年范仲淹兴办苏州府学,其原址就是今天苏州中学的校园。而范仲淹的名言“先天下之忧而忧、后天下之乐而乐”的先忧后乐思想也一直成为苏中的办学精神与校园文化精髓所在。在自己的成人宣誓仪式上和同学们一起齐声朗读范仲淹的《岳阳楼记》,也是苏中的一种特色教育。 (顾秋萍 单成志)





  今天重讀,覺得文短而意長,句約而理深。369字的短文,文言發於中,情見於辭,他超越了單純寫山水樓觀的狹境,將自然界的晦明變化、風雨陰晴和“遷客騷人”的“覽物之情”結合自身的經歷感悟,以作“記”為名,借題發揮,表達了作者“不以物喜,不以己悲”的曠達胸襟和“先天下之憂而憂,后天下之樂而樂”的政治抱負,且將全文的重心放到了做人做官之道上,擴大了文章的境界,抒發了自己的感慨。全篇看似閑筆漫敘,實際上卻大有深意......(click to link full article)






岳陽樓恁的天高,我都仰著頭脖酸之至,要如何帶孩子看見那個2歲失怙、23歲才知身世、當了差後積了些錢買個田一心要周濟全族的先生立在那天下第一樓的頂端時,心理揣想的是什麼?(click to link full article)



西部大开发的环境忧思 / 何清涟

  与新疆各界人士在一起聊天,免不了要谈起时下最热闹的“西部大开发”这个话题。谈到当前的“热”时,竟然连他们自己都难以相信这些协议最后会落到实处。一个在当地颇为活跃的记者私下里说:“每个招商会议来了好几千人,平均每人最低花费1万元,加起来就有好几亿。将这些钱支持新疆也够了,可能比那些意向性的协议还更实在。那些意向性协议上承诺的投资,天知道最后能落实多少?” (click to link full article)





新疆生産建設兵團最初由十幾萬解放軍官兵就地轉業組成,隨後由政府組織內地勞動力遷入而不斷擴大。1956年僅河南一省就有5萬青年被送到兵團。從1957年到1966年,兵團職工人數由17.8萬人增長到80.8萬人。其中國家有組織地大批調入的有:1959-1960年,安徽、江蘇、湖北三省的青壯勞動力近10萬人;1963-1966年,上海、天津、北京、武漢、浙江、江蘇的青年學生12萬人;還有復員士兵和轉業軍官8萬人;饑荒時期“自流”入疆的21萬人;職工子女9萬人;以及12萬名交由兵團“勞動改造”的犯人,刑滿後大部分留在兵團。 到1966年,兵團的職工加上家屬,人口總數已達到148.5萬人。(click to link full article)



在此后的半年时间里,中共中央、国务院组织200多位专家,研究部署高技术发展的战略,经过三轮极为严格的科学和技术论证后,中共中央、国务院批准了《高技术研究发展计划(“863”计划)纲要》......(click to link)


What is a Standard Operating Procedure?

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) help maximum safety and operational efficiency for these kind of organisations:
- Pharmaceutical organizations
- Government organizations
- Emergency response operations
- Clinical research organizations
- Power producing organizations

SOPs are detailed written instructions to achieve uniformity of the performance of a specific function...(click to link)

excerpts from http://www.sop-standard-operating-procedure.com

ReThinking Standard Operation Procedure




每天都在增加的中國“生態難民......(click to link)

沙漠化吞噬北方......(click to link)

長江水系將步黃河的後塵......(click to link)

(6/22/2005 8:37:00 AM)



【明見網6月14日訊】“發展就是硬道理”,曾是鄧小平傳承給中共領導人借經濟增長維護制度合法性的武林秘笈,無論是江澤民還是胡錦濤,都將其視為最高聖旨心領神會,似乎中國一天沒有犧牲環境、資源與正義的經濟發展,就一天無法證明其制度的“優越性”。據說,中國今日的“經濟成就”,無不是由這個道理支撐的。頗為巧合的是,就在德國舉行的八國集團與發展中國家領導人對話會上,有關氣候與溫室氣體減排的話題,正從國際政治經濟的角度,對中國經濟的發展模式提出了全新質疑的同時,中國無錫太湖又爆發了由“藍藻”事件引發的水源危機與人心恐慌,並由此敲響了中國經濟高增長式的“發展就是硬道理”的警鐘......(click to link)

轉自《新世紀新聞網》(6/14/2007 9:50:00 PM)