


究竟你心目中的唐三藏是源自《西遊記》,還是中國歷史上一個罕見的「獨立思想家」?前者給我們對三藏的人物想像,又理應如何對照後者在現實中曾幾隻身跨越多元文化的「取經行動」? 時至今天,何以仍多把三藏偏側在小說的想像而少對其獨立自主作出較具體的文化評論?我們試圖探討箇中可能隱藏著的文化底蘊,思考中華文化的異象……


Sānzàng: the front runner of independent thinkers in Chinese History

What do you know of Sānzàng? A character from the classic novel, Journey to the West, or an independent thinker and rare gem in China's past? How much does the image projected in the novel reflect Sānzàng's courageous individual pilgrimage that saw him brave cross-cultural challenges to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures? And why, even today, is analysis generally confined to his fictional persona rather than his independent quest? This discussion explores the implications of such treatment and its close connections with China's history and culture.

Host: Ho Ying-fung (Artistic Director, Theatre Fanatico)

Guest Speakers: Dr. Ho Kwok-leung (Associate Professor, The HK Polytechnic University), Long Tin (Cultural Curator and Critic)

October 3, 2009 (Saturday) 3:00p.m. - 4:30p.m. / AC1, Level 4, Administration Building, Hong Kong Culture Centre

